Easter 2011 Recipes

Easter is the oldest and holiest celebration of Christian festival. Ester is the greatest feast day. It is celebrated to observe the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, on the 3rd day after Crucifixion, so the Easter is the scared celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. This day is known as Easter Day. It is also called Resurrection Sunday. Easter is coming in the holidays of spring season.

Easter gets its name from Easter or  Eostre, a Teutonic goddess of the Dawn, whose annual festival took place on the Vernal equinox , the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. According to some other scholars Easter comes from the same roots the English word ‘East’ the direction of the rising sun.

Easter Bunny” is the ancient legend is a character same as Santa Claus during Christmas. Who brings colored filled eggs with candy and toy on the eav of Easter. The egg has been the symbol of birth in most cultures since the earliest times.  Now days the eggs are brightly colored and gifted in Easter baskets.
Good Friday is really a misnomer in that it was a Bad Friday the crucifixion  day of Jesus. Some people believed the Term 'Good' evolved from  God or God's Friday

Good Friday—April 22--2011
Easter  Sunday falls on —April 24--- 2011

Happy Easter to All